Kia Ora – Hello
Tena koutou katoa
Ko Kristina Wharekura tōku ingoa
Nō Aotearoa ahau
Ko Te Urewera me Hokianga oku whenua
Ko Ngai Tūhoe me Ngāpuhi tōku iwi
Ko Maungapōhatu me Te Ramaroa tōku maunga
Ko Waikaremoana tōku awa
Kei Wānaka – Te Wai Pounamu tōku kāinga ināianei
Greetings to you.
My name is Kristina Wharekura, I am from New Zealand. I come from the lands of Te Urewera and Hokianga.
My tribe is Ngāi Tūhoe and Ngāpuhi.
My mountain is Maungapōhatu and Te Ramaroa and my water is Lake Waikaremoana.
I now live in Wānaka – South Island.
They say we all have a calling, a talent/gift waiting to be discovered.
For me, it is photography.
My culture is spiritually connected with Papatūānuku (Mother Earth)
Nature is the birth of my inspiration for my photography.
My love for nature I found my reason to travel the world to see more of her beauty.
I have a deep passion for learning about different cultures from around the world. To learn their language, history and way of life.
The world is our knowledge.
I am a self taught photographer and it is a pleasure to share with you my version of the world.